Mindfulness therapy :
When you do Mindfulness therapy exercises you are asked to become more focused on something that you are normally less aware of. As a result, you become more aware of your reactions. An example would be asking you to become mindful of your breathing, sense of smell or body tension during a situation you feel stressed in.
Furthermore, as you continue practicing mindfulness therapy you become more emotionally and mentally self disciplined. As a result, you then begin to develop the ability to slow down emotional reactions. Consequently you then begin to develop the ability to change your way of thinking and responding in important situations.
Mind Yoga as a form of Mindfulness therapy
THE”DANGLING CARROT ” Mindfulness Mental Yoga Exercise
Most important, do this mind yoga meditation to feel energized, tap into desire and long term motivation. You will focus on what you want and how it will benefit you.
I developed “Mind Yoga” as a form of mindfulness therapy. This helps clients experience the powerful benefits of mindfulness exercises and cognitive therapy. Most relevant are combining cognitive exercises that direct you to think in smart, positive, and helpful methods, while you perform mindfulness therapy exercises (breathing, rapid eye movements, visualizations, mantra). The result is the client feeling an immediate, powerful impact in how they feel and think.
More information on Mindfulness therapy and Mind Yoga therapy
What is Mind Yoga?
Mind Yoga is similar to traditional yoga in that you are asked to hold a series of positions and focus on your breathing. The difference with Mind Yoga Therapy from yoga is that the positions are held in your head and involves sequences of mental postures, eye movements and breathing exercises. Most of all when you do the the mind yoga exercises you create a deliberate mental and emotional impact in your mind and body.
As a result you may experience many health benefits including mental and emotional benefits. Especially relevant include:
- Focusing your attention and concentration (helpful for ADD/ADHD therapy)
- Increases your motivation and positive energy.
- Change your mind set to be positive, action oriented and flexible
- Increases your accountability and self discipline.
- Develops your mastery over stressful events (e.g. errors, dismissals, rejection, uncontrollable problems).
- Develops emotional intelligence skills (e.g instincts, compassion, empathy, and negotiation skills).
- Improves your self acceptance, self esteem, confidence and assertion skills
- Detoxes your from Stress hormones
- Transforms your past resentments into healthy and empowering energy.
- Help you to think more calmly, clearly and focused
- Helps you to stop bad habits such as smoking, overeating, procrastination.
- Help you to develop a positive outlook and learn to look for opportunity
- Teaches you to reward yourself in healthy ways to stay motivated.
Most noteworthy the benefits of mindfulness therapy and mind yoga exercises are to train your mind to be focused, disciplined, calm and happy.
Furthermore, as you develop positive, strong mental habits you will have an edge in relationships and in performance situations. You feel and think differently when you do these mental performance mindfulness exercises regularly.
To encourage belief in your success practice this daily. Do this exercise to connect to the energy you need to go long term with your goals. You will reconnect will your rewards and deep motivations for success. When you repeatedly visualize your success, your mind believes your goals are worth pursing.