Tag Archives: CBT New York

Staying Conscious of your Mood and Mind

Be aware since -even small irritations or stressor influence how we process information and therefore effecting automatically your thinking style. Think about how quickly at times you can go from an open attitude to a defensive one. When we feel stressed it effects how you perceive the world and your own existence . Most likely you will see things are more threatening and problematic until your emotions simmer.

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Help for Fear of Flying Using Biofeedback and Virtual Reality Therapy

The VRBP (Virtual Reality Biofeedback Program ) is based largely on psychological principals of Exposure therapy and Desensitization. Exposure is delivered through the virtual reality simulator and relaxation training occurs using state of the art biofeedback. Using biofeedback allows you to develop the proper neurological relaxation response and ensures you are you doing it correctly. The change in your system occurs when you are locked into the “relaxation response” using biofeedback while simultaneously being exposed to the flight situations- this reprograms the nervous system to associate new emotions with flying and release anxious feelings.

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Protect your Self Esteem with CBT

CBT for Self Esteem.Self esteem can broken down into 2 different levels. Implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem, which entails more conscious and reflective self-evaluation..Both types of self esteem are learned responses and therefore can be changed to include different responses.

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Self efficacy a Key to Success

Can acknowledging our own resourcefulness, “mental toughness” and stick-to-itiveness be the fundamental difference between success and failure? Empirical research has shown that belief in one’s ability to cope is a stronger predictor of success than objectively possessing the knowledge and operations skills necessary to get the task done.

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Fight off Learned Helplessness & Depression by enlisting Motivation

Fight off Learned Helplessness & Depression by enlisting Motivation

Motivation is not about desire it’s about effort. The more effort, the more motivated!
Fight off Learned Helplessness & Depression by enlisting Motivation through Challenge and Reward.

If you are feeling bland about life, then stop to take an inventory of your environment for the necessary challenges and rewards needed to feel motivated.

What to do..

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What does CBT Group Therapy for Social Shyness/Anxiety have to offer you?

* Do you have difficulty in some situations expressing thoughts, feelings or personal desires?
* Does fear of disapproval hinder your performance?
* Do you find saying “No” so difficult that you commonly endure under desired activity
* Do you have a pattern of suppressing bad feelings until one single event triggers explosions of resentment?
* Do you anticipate rejection or failure if assertive?
* Do you fear all conflict so much that you avoid stating your opinion?
* Do you avoid or suffer high levels of anxiety or discomfort in certain social interactions?
* Do you find yourself ruminating or consumed with worry when facing a threatening situation?
* Do you avoid dating or meeting new people?

If you answered Yes, then consider joining me on Dec 20th for an extensive talk on how Cognitive Group Therapy can help you.

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