Tag Archives: Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Tips on how to optimize holiday stress and avoid stress overload

Optimize Holiday Stress: Avoid Stress from becoming distress-Tips from Dr. Jayme, Ph.D Health Psychologist and Yoga Instructor. Can you avoid stress from becoming distress this holiday season? For many people the holiday season can mean a time of additional stress. This can  quickly turn into  distress.   How can you avoid stress from becoming distress? The … Continue reading Tips on how to optimize holiday stress and avoid stress overload

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Cognitive Therapy For Depression Midtown NYC: Stop Self Blaming Thinking

  Cognitive Therapy For Depression Midtown Cognitive therapy depression midtown: Tips on Cognitive Therapy For Depression Midtown NYC If you are someone who suffers from depression or sadness you probably experience: Hopeless thoughts about your self and your capabilities Feelings of sadness, irritability or boredom Loss of concentration, focus and memory problems A sense of … Continue reading Cognitive Therapy For Depression Midtown NYC: Stop Self Blaming Thinking

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Get Help with Panic Anxiety with Cognitive Behavior Therapy -NYC: Tips from NYC Psychologist Dr. Jayme

How can I manage Panic Attacks using Cognitive Behavior Therapy and prevent Phobias and Anxiety Disorders from Developing? Can you prevent panic attacks from developing into panic disorder using CBT? According to New York City Psychologist and Anxiety and Phobia expert, Jayme Albin, PhD. the answer is “Yes, you most definitely can prevent panic attacks … Continue reading Get Help with Panic Anxiety with Cognitive Behavior Therapy -NYC: Tips from NYC Psychologist Dr. Jayme

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Stop Automatic thinking and reactive behavior-tips from NYC Cognitive Therapist & Psychologist Dr. Albin

Tips from Cognitive Behavior Therapist of New York and Clinical Psychologist of New York, Dr. Jayme Albin
“Cognitive Behavior Therapy” at its very essence involves developing self awareness of one’s thinking and how if effects your day to day life and relationships. Understanding Automatic thoughts is a good place to start this process (called metacognitive process). Automatic thoughts are the thoughts and images that involuntarily pop into our conscious (or just below if they are habitual). They make up how we “read” a situation. Understanding your automatic thoughts can influence change in a variety of situations.

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What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

Cognitive behavior therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on the relationship between thoughts, behaviors and feelings. It is one of the few forms of psychotherapy that has been scientifically researched and found to be effective in hundreds of clinical trials for many different disorders. CBT is more focused on the present, more time-limited, and problem-solving and goal oriented. During sessions clients learn specific skills that they can use for the rest of their lives. These skills involve identifying distorted thinking, modifying beliefs, relating to others in different ways, and changing behaviors.

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Automatic Thinking..Reactive Behavior

Automatic thoughts are the thoughts and images that involuntarily pop into our conscious (or just below if they are habitual). They make up how we “read” a situation and are assumed to be “True” at the time they are generated.  Reactive behavior is based on automatic thinking.Understanding your automatic thoughts  can influence change in a variety of situations.

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Yoga as Therapy?

As a Clinical Psychologist and soon to be a certified Yoga Instructor (Kundalini Yoga in May 2011), I found myself giving out “prescriptions” of specific breathing and meditations to patients so they can heal their nervous system and balance their hormones while we work together to modify thoughts and behaviors.

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Attaching blame to others: Do we do this too easily?

When interpreting the cause of someone’s behavior we are more likely to think the reason has more to do with a personal reason than attribute it to a situational factor. For example, when a friend fails to call you, you are more likely to see their behavior as disinterested, rude, carelessness or disorganized, rather than to weigh heavily that they may be busy at work, talking to someone else, in a quiet or too nosey place or with no cell phone reception.

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