Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Of New York and Dr. Jayme Albin Specialize in the treatment of body image related disorders and problems that can impact self esteem, mood such as sadness, anger, anxiety and can have tremendous negative impact on one’s life. Limiting relationships and social interactions, putting a dark forecast or unnecessary hardships on the pursuit of life goals or just completing day to day tasks
Our treatment model recognizes that while appearance and weight do have real measures in society and health (if weight is involved) but proposes that individuals with extreme body image problems selectively attend to minor aspects of appearance as opposed to seeing the big picture. Our treatment goals help you develop mind sets that accept your whole picture, accept and love your entire self and put value on meaningful priorities.
Our program accepts that exposing yourself to vulnerable parts of yourself will create anxiety and bring up core beliefs about yourself, others and life situations . This anxiety is often discomforting and reasons why many people avoiding making these changes. We address this anxiety and core beliefs by giving you skills to cope with the anxiety and have emotional processing sessions that resolve core ideas about your self and others that are unresolved or irrational.