Psychologist and NYC therapist, Dr. Jayme Albin is an expert in treating anxiety disorders. Dr. Jayme Albin provides psychotherapy for Anxiety problems and other psychological problems in New York, New York. We have 2 therapy offices in New York City (NYC). Upper east side, NYC and Midtown East, NYC.
If you are concerned that you may need therapy to help overcome or manage an anxiety disorder with a therapist continue reading
Is this you:
-” I often feel overwhelmed by all if the tasks i need to do in life
“My friends and family who live in other cities don’t seem to be as stressed as me ?”
-” I often feel physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, shortness of breath, my heart racing, numbness in my hands and toes, dizziness and muscle tension”
-“I get easily irritated when my expectations are not met”
– “There are times that I want to avoid situations that I know are perfectly fine but I cannot help but feel I cannot cope”
– “I worry more than others about everyday situations or problems. I have sleepless nights worrying about my future”
-“My mind is constantly racing”
-” I have trouble sleeping without drugs”
-“I predict bad outcomes when I have no evidence to back it up”
-” I check my gadgets and seek reassurance from friends and family to the point that it annoys others”
” I fear situations like fear of flying, fear of small /crowded spaces (claustrophobia), fear of subways, fear of heights , or fear of social situations (fear public speaking, fear social gatherings )
-” I feel exhausted at the end of each week and use the weekends to crash”
-” I put off doing certain things in life because I cannot make a decision and worry ill make the wrong choice”
If you said yes to at least 5 of the items you might have an anxiety disorder such as panic disorder , general anxiety (worry), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder ), social anxiety or a phobia (fear of ….)
New york city Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety disorders are common in New York City and other major cities because the people of NYC live fast paced lives. We are consistently stressed… running from meeting to meeting, checking our cell phone and email every few seconds from morning to night, we expect ourselves and others to rush through everything and become anxious and impatient when it doesn’t happen the way we expect.
We commute in /out and around NYC on crowded trains, Subways or cabs where there is always traffic and the stress around not knowing which is the best route to take.
We deal with long lines from Starbucks, to the airport to doctors appointments. We are always waiting but want to rush!
We New Yorkers also have an abundance of choices that can be overwhelming and cause us to become stagnant in our routines. This applies to hobbies (” I don’t know which writing class is best so I never end up going”), dating (what if there is someone better out there for me, so I don’t commit” ) and career choices (What if I could make more money or be happier working in some other organization, I don’t want to move around so I stay at my old job because it feels secure”).
What to do:
1. If you think you are suffering from anxiety problems related to New York City consider working with an anxiety expert (psychotherapist or psychologist in New York). Psychologist and psychotherapist who practice in New York have a better chance at understanding your anxiety triggers. Even if you live in a surrounding suburb but work in manhattan you should consider working with a NYC therapist or psychologist in New York City
2. Practice meditation or breathing daily. Especially when you are in a stressful situation like an airplane. long line or back of an NYC cab . This will inoculate you to the stress
3. Challenge your distorted expectations. Instead of expecting things to go fast recognize this is a crowded city and we normally have to wait.
4. Limit choices to a few items based on your most important criteria
5. Practice for flexibility in your behavior. If you try something and it’s not perfect live with it.
6. Be conscious of others. You are not the only New Yorker in line
Dr Jayme Albin is Licensed psychologist and Yoga instructor. She has 2 New York psychotherapy offices 10128 and 10022. For more information about receiving therapy services from Dr. Albin call 212-631-1133 or Email Us at
Visit us at www.askthecognitivebehaviortherapist.comJayme Albin, Ph D psychologist is an expert in anxiety problems, Cbt therapy, biofeedback therapy, EMDR therapy yoga therapy and virtual reality therapy in NYC.
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