• Our Services

    • Cognitive Behavior Therapist New York specializes in a variety of different forms of psychotherapy including: Cognitive Behavior therapy, Yoga therapy, Integrative Health Therapy, Mindfulness- based CBT, EMDR therapy, biofeedback therapy, Coaching and Couples Therapy.

      Jayme Albin, Ph.D is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Yoga Instructor &  Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT NYC) who specializes in managing personal and professional relationships and goals.

      Treatment areas of specialties include of anxiety, phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), panic attacks, social anxiety, Adult ADHD, Depression & Mood disorders, Weight & Self Image problems as well as impulsive behaviors and thought disorders.CBT nyc , executive coaching nyc

      The focus is on developing an individual plan that identifies and treats all elements of a situation including

      • behaviors 
      • cognitive functions, attitudes and thinking
      • physical sensations
      • and emotional connections

      We specialize in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and other proven effective forms of treatment (yoga Therapy, EMDR, bio-feedback ). The Cognitive Behavior Therapist of New York (CBT New York)  offers individual, couples and group therapy sessions in New York City and via online web CBT.

      The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of  New York (CBT of New  York) offers individual CBT therapy for children and adults,  couples and group therapy sessions in New York City and via Skype. We specialize in combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Yoga Therapy, Biofeedback, EMDR and EFT.

    • Our Services

    • Our treatment plans focus on the needs of the individual client, we consider
      -thoughts and cognitions
      -physical sensations and limits
      -personal relationships

      We offer individual, couples and group therapy sessions. We work with all forms of anxiety, depression, bipolar, attention and organizational behavior problems, anger and over reactive behavior problems, impulsivity, body image and weight loss problems. We also treat trauma, PTSD and other forms of stress management. Dr. Jayme Albin- NY Licensed Psychologist works with couples on building communication, trust and intimacy in their relationships and coaches individuals on dating problems.

      Creating a relationship with the right therapist is essential to the success of therapy. Please review the information on the site www.CBT-New York.com, visit our blog (http://askthecognitivebehaviortherapist.com/blog/) and email us with any additional questions.