Q: What is Biofeedback? Dr. Jayme Albin a New York City Biofeedback Therapy Specialist who incorporates biofeedback into therapy sessions or does biofeedback therapy on its own. Biofeedback is computer feedback on how your body is responding to stress. The system reads and reports on heart rate, breathing, brain waves and sweat and temperature.
Q: How does Biofeedback help? Biofeedback gives information to both Dr. Jayme and the client to help you work on situations that trigger emotional and physical reactions. Dr. Jayme then helps guide the client through breathing, EMDR, or centering exercises to balance out the physical reactions and body stress.
Q: Who can do biofeedback? Biofeedback therapy is great for helping to treat patients struggling with anxiety, OCD, hormone problems, chronic pain, pain management, depression, ADD/ADHD in children and adultsóscientifically and all without drugs.
Q: What are the benefits of combining biofeedback and CBT? Dr. Jayme, Biofeedback Specialist of New York, combines biofeedback with the exposure therapy exercises of behavior therapy. Combining biofeedback and CBT enhance the efficiency of the desensitization that happens with exposure therapy. In addition the biofeedback allows the subconscious mind to become more accessible to healthier beliefs.
Q: What are the benefits of biofeedback over medication? Biofeedback is an effective solution to stress and pain management that is non-invasive, extremely safe and has no significant side effects. Some of the benefits of biofeedback include mood stabilization, better sleep, improve mood and relieve chronic pain just to name a few.
Dr. Jayme Albin is a Clinical Health Psychologist and Yoga Instructor. She is an expert in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Biofeedback Therapy and as well as other mind-body psychotherapies. She is an expert in the treatment of anxiety, body image and phobias, has authored 2 books “Treating Fear of Flying Anxiety with Biofeedback and Virtual reality therapy” and the “Idiot’s Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”.
Find out if Biofeedback is right for you and call Dr. Jayme Albin, a Biofeedback NYC Therapist at (212) 631-1133 or email info@CBT-NewYork.com