Category Archives: Dating/Relationships

When “No ” Makes you Mad!

Dealing with disappointment can be disheartening to say the least. No one likes to be confronted with the revelation of “NO”. No one likes to be told what they wanted is not available, that their needs will not be honored or what they expected is not likely to occur.

However, how you handle yourself in these situations can determine just how far your level of disappointment goes, whether it stops at a healthy level of frustration, or whether it escalates to more intense levels of anger and hostility.

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Social Power Persuades

There are 6 basic types of social power that influence others…which type are you?

If you have ever wondered why some people seem to be more effective at influencing the opinions and behaviors of others, consider the social power possessed by the influencer and the role-identity of the followers.

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The CBT’s: Ten Ways to Stop Avoidance

If you find yourself repeatedly avoiding situations because you feel uncomfortable or nervous, the best remedy to cure your anxiety is to not deter yourself from these situations. The more you avoid, the worse your anxiety will get.Some basic ideas on how not to avoid and making approaching anxiety situations easier:

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“Thou Shall Not Avoid”

Often I hear people talk about how their anxiety has become an obstacle in their daily life functioning, preventing them from fulfilling life’s ambitions. For example, they might feel uncomfortable dining with others, so much that they avoid dating; yet complain of loneliness. Or they may avoid speaking up in meetings, missing opportunities to share their opinions, leaving them feeling dissatisfied in their career.

What to do? Continue on to “The CBT’s Ten Ways to Stop Avoidance”

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