All posts by Jayme Albin

Romantic Relationships Avoid the 4 horseman that lead to relationship demise.

Navigating Romantic Relationships is not always easy. Even good couples can easily shift from a place of feeling at ease that involves open communication and mutual respect to a place of hurt feelings, defensiveness and personal criticism without too much effort.   Why does this happen? One day you and your mate are  laughing and feeling … Continue reading Romantic Relationships Avoid the 4 horseman that lead to relationship demise.

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7 Assertion Strategies that can help you avoid a disagreement from turning into a FIGHT!

Being assertive is the most effective way to communicate our feelings and opinions especially when we don’t necessarily agree with others around us. However, it is also one of the most difficult communication styles to achieve partially because when we become aroused (excited, angry or anxious) we are less likely to use conscious thought and be conscientious in our approach…we are more likely to bark out commands or become defensive in our tone. The second reason why being assertive is often neglected is because of lack of practice. When we practice a new skill we create new mental habits and therefore improve the likelihood we will call upon it during times of distress.

Here are 7 simple, but highly effective strategies to use when you are looking to make a request from another and voice a different or negative opinion

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What is EMDR?

> Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), has become one of the most interesting and successful interventions in the field of psychological research and practice for trauma (large and small) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as its successful use with anxiety disorders.   Like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR is client centered and client empowering, with … Continue reading What is EMDR?

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