Mindfulness CBT Therapy NYC
You can improve your thinking and enhance your mood with Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Dr Albin The Cognitive Behavioral Therapist of NYC offers Mindfulness CBT, private psychotherapy and executive coaching sessions in Midtown, NY.
What is mindfulness CBT?
There are many different different types of Mindfulness exercises. They include breathing, smell, touch, noticing feelings, thoughts and sensations. Many of my clients find these are part of the essential building blocks to uncovering and treating reactions that involve anxiety, anger, guild, and depression.
Mindfulness Therapy Treatment Exercise One: Become mindful of your breath. Sit and watch your breath for a minute at a time at various points throughout your day. Look for any noticeable shifts. Does your breathing come mostly from your left or right nostril? Are you expanding into your lungs and lower abdominal area? How fast is each inhale/ exhale cycle? Is your breath different before or after a stressful event?
What is important here to know is that: How you breathe is a both a “tell” on how you are feeling and approaching the next few minutes. Left unchanged your breath becomes an emotional “inside-influence” in creating stressful outcomes. In psychology and psychotherapy this type of influence is known as a self –fulfilling prophecy, where you help create a situational outcome by way of heavily influence due to your anticipatory energy and ideas.
Mindfulness Stress Management and Breath Awareness Tip: When someone approaches a situation they expect to be stress related the breath will either be “held” mildly (a mild form of apnea) or become “short and shallow”. When someone approaches a situation they expect to feel depressed in (boredom or withdrawal) the breath will likely be slow but not full and robust. If you bring either type of mental energy into the actual situation who are likely to experience the event in such a way rather than remain open to alternative outcomes or influence more positive results.
Practice by becoming mindful of your breath both before and during the situation and making adjustment to keep the breathing more balanced and full. If you want to approach a situation calming and thinking clearly than make your breath calm and clear. The more often you do this the more relaxed you will begin to feel as you retrain your breathing.
We are located conveniently in midtown Manhattan
New York, NY 10022
Our patients rate us 5 stars and her programs are effective for rewiring bad habits, reducing emotional overreactions, overcoming past memories that maintain feelings of insecurities and create limits, learn how to live and breath outside your comfort zone.